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12-28-22 FigCongratulations to Fig for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 12-16-22 DaisyCongratulations to Daisy for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 12-12-22 CaliCongratulations to Cali for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
12-09-22 MapleCongratulations to Maple for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 11-12-22 ZeahCongratulations to Zeah for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 10-12-22 BridgetCongratulations to Bridget for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
10-06-22 LunaCongratulations to Luna for graduating her Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 10-02-22 AriesCongratulations to Aries for graduating his Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 09-07-22 RaeCongratulations to Rae for graduating her training program and officially being adopted into a wonderful new home! Such a diva but we are so proud of her hard work and can’t wait to see her thrive in her new home. |
08-25-22 CooperCongratulations to Cooper for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 08-19-22 GunnerCongratulations to Gunner for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 08-12-22 MercyCongratulations to Mercy for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
08-10-22 KhalyseeCongratulations to Khalysee for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 08-08-22 LucasCongratulations to Lucas for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 08-07-22 SidCongratulations to Sid for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
08-04-22 MambaCongratulations to Mamba for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 07-29-22 JoleneCongratulations to Jolene for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 07-28-22 PepperCongratulations to Pepper for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
07-19-22 LuckyCongratulations to Lucky for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 07-18-22 SkyeCongratulations to Skye for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 7-15-22 HopperCongratulations to Hopper for graduating his Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
7-12-22 CharlieCongratulations to Charlie for graduating from her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 7-11-22 ParkerCongratulations to Parker for graduating her Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 07-01-22 StellaCongratulations to Stella for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
06-23-22 HarryCongratulations to Harry for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 06-16-22 MaverickCongratulations to Maverick for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 06-11-22 DixieCongratulations to Dixie for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
06-04-22 DollyCongratulations to Dolly for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 06-03-ZeusCongratulations to Zeus for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 05-27-22 HankCongratulations to Hank for graduating his Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
05-26-22 BoomerCongratulations to Boomer for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 05-18-22 BuckyCongratulations to Bucky for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 05-17-22 CreedCongratulations to Creed for graduating his Foster Dog Training Program at Balanced Mind K9! A wonderful graduation along with his official adoption into his new family makes for the best way to celebrate for all of the hard work he did during his program! |
05-05-22 SargeCongratulations to Sarge for graduating His Foster Dog Training Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 05-04-22 SmokeyCongratulations to Smokey for graduating His Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 04-25-22 TheoCongratulations to Theo for graduating His Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
04-22-22 OmarCongratulations to Omar for graduating his Foster Dog Training Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 04-01-22 ChaseCongratulations to Chase for graduating His Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 03-28-22 RosieCongratulations to Rosie for graduating her Reboot Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
03-16-22 CoalCongratulations to Coal for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 03-05-22 ThomasCongratulations to Thomas for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 03-01-22 LokiCongratulations to Loki for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
02-17-22 WoodfordCongratulations to Woodford for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 02-18-22 CallieCongratulations to Callie for graduating her Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! | 1-31-22 StormCongratulations to Storm for graduating his Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
01-17-22 BonnieCongratulations to Bonnie for graduating our Freedom Program at Balanced Mind K9! |
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